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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Winter Wedding

Holding a Wedding in Winterwinter brideWinter Wedding?

What an idea! Not the timeof year you would usually consider holding a wedding!

Don't think of wind and rain though, imagine snow covered mountain peaks rising majestically from fir tree covered foot hills! Very Japanese. Close your eyes and breathe in the crisp, pine scented air. This is what a winter wedding is all about!

With the ski lodge in the distance with its welcoming real log fire, the winter sun sparkling off the crisp white snow and the sky as blue as can be you can be assured of a day of fairytale proportions.

The information about winter weddings presented here will do one of two things: either it will reinforce your original feelings about winter weddings or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes.

When it come to your color scheme think red and green. Not Santa suit and holly leaves but rich burgundy or plum and a forest green that the pine trees would be proud of. Think fur hats and mufflers with black boots and long coats. Think traditional and old fashioned, bells and crackling log fires.

If you decide that you are not traditional, there are still options for a winter wedding. For a winter wedding of wondrous proportions. Think silvery blue and brilliant white, think glam and glitz, think modern and funky.

If the evening weather is fine, why not set out a bonfire and take your wedding outside, at least for part of the time. There can develop a great sense of camaraderie around a campfire. A good time for snuggling up to your loved one.

There are many choices to be made for your wedding day and the choice of time of year is just one of them. Each season has its own attractions to offer and winter is no different. If you decide on a winter wedding, enjoy and embrace the idea, bringing out the seasons special qualities wont let you down.

This article's coverage of winter weddings is only an idea. But you should always leave open the possibility that some guests initial misconceptions will change, once they realise it does not mean standing around freezing - and will actually be fun.

How often do you get to dress up in really flash winter clothes?
Leather boots, fur hats, jewelled vests and mufflers?

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